Open a CHM help file
Here's a short description of how to open a CHM help file using Python.
print ("********************************")
print ("Hello Help Community!")
print ("--------------------------------")
print ("We open a CHM help file here ...")
print ("********************************")
# First import the 'ctypes' module. ctypes module provides C compatible data types and allows calling functions in DLLs or shared libraries.
import ctypes # An included library with Python install.
# import easygui # maybe you want to use another solution by easygui
# ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Open CHM", "Your title", 1) # OK only
def MessageBox(title, text, style):
return ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, text, title, style)
# documentation of parameters:
## Styles:
## 0 : OK
## 1 : OK | Cancel
## 2 : Abort | Retry | Ignore
## 3 : Yes | No | Cancel
## 4 : Yes | No
## 5 : Retry | No
## 6 : Cancel | Try Again | Continue
#returnValue = MessageBox(" CHM and Python", "Open Compiled Help Module (CHM) now?", 1)
# returnValue = MessageBox(" CHM and Python", "Open Compiled Help Module (CHM) now?", 0x40 | 0x1)
returnValue = MessageBox(" CHM and Python", "Open Compiled Help Module (CHM) now?", 1)
# If the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following menu-item values.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1 The OK button was selected.
# 2 The Cancel button was selected.
# 3 The Abort button was selected.
# 4 The Retry button was selected.
# 5 The Ignore button was selected.
# 6 The Yes button was selected.
# 7 The No button was selected.
# 10 The Try Again button was selected.
# 11 The Continue button was selected.
if returnValue == 1:
print("Pressed OK")
# How to open a chm file in Python?
# ---------------------------------
# os.system("hh.exe D:/UserData-QGIS-Python/Projekte/ConnectChm/CHM-example.chm")
import os
os.system("hh.exe D:/UserData-QGIS-Python/Projekte/ConnectChm/CHM-example.chm::/garden/flowers.htm")
elif returnValue == 2:
print("Pressed Cancel")
# import subprocess as sub
# def help(self) os.system("hh.exe d:/help.chm::/4_Userguide.htm#_Toc270510")
# def help(self) subprocess.Popen("hh.exe d:/help.chm::/4_Userguide.htm#_Toc270510")